Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Different Diseases

Hi again!!!

I wish to write about the different diseases, causes for these disease and precautions which we can take to prevent them.

We can broadly classify Diseases as
Infectious diseases

1. Parasital
2. Bacterial
3. Viral
4. Fungal
Others can be either environmental,food, water and air.

Parasital Diseases: Protozoa are microscopic, one-celled organisms which are carried to humans primarily through contaminated food or insects bites.Malaria is the most destructive parasitic disease.

Bacterial Diseases: Bacteria are single-celled creatures with tiny flagella. Bacteria are alive. They are very small organisms, often only a single cell. Diseases caused by bacteria are Tuberculosis, Bubonic Plague,Pertussis.

Viral Diseases: These are disease spread by virus, most common and dangerous diseases are spread by viruses.AIDS/HIV, Bronchiolitis,Chicken Pox are some conman viral diseases.

Fungal Diseases: Fungal diseases are called mycoses and those affecting humans can be divided into four groups based on the level of penetration into the body tissues. 

I hope this was useful, will write more on this topic in my future posts.


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