Monday, November 22, 2010

Analog communication

In this we will discuss what is analog communication.

Analog Communication is a data transmitting technique .It utilizes continuous signals to transmit data such as voice, image, video, electrons etc. An analog signal is a variable signal  which is continuous in both time and amplitude  generally carried by use of modulation.

Here I am also providing you a link on digital communication system.Here you can see the difference between analog and digital communication system.

Analog transmission is not expensive and enables information to be transmitted from point-to-point or from one point to many. Once the data arrives at the receiving end, it is converted back into digital form so that it can be processed by the receiving computer. 

Although analog systems are less expensive in many cases than digital ones for the same application, digital systems provide much more efficiency, better performance and much greater flexibility.  The only parameters of interest in case of analog communication are message bandwidth and amplitude. We can exploit signal structure to achieve a more efficient communication system.



Sunday, November 21, 2010

Invoice scam

Invoice scam is nothing but it is fake solicitation.Here,you will be fooled into paying for what you never ordered or enjoyed!

In this case,scammers send you invoices. Not all invoices you receive are fake. Some are genuine, from genuine providers, but they do contain charges that you are not aware of. Invoice scams happen when you are charged for something you never asked or ordered for. You are forcefully given something without you knowing about it. It can be a furniture seller charging you more at your doorstep, before delivery of furniture. It can be an auto-repair company, levying charges for parts or services you never availed for. In most cases, you would not have received those products too. Since people sign up for invoices without looking for details, some invoice scams are nothing but fake solicitations. Yes, the scammers send you a bill (which you think is an invoice), but it may actually be a request for a subscription of a service/magazine. These are solicitations you can reject, but you agree to them without looking into the details.

It can happen to anyone, even companies. Anyone who is not careful about what they are paying for can be cheated with extra charges in the invoice. Some such invoice scams are Domain Renewal notices, Directory Listing scams, Magazine subscription scams etc. People can bill you for extra money in any of these cases or send you fake invoices in the name of another company.

If you need more information to know about the meaning of scam , you can see Tutorvista scam defintion.I hope this blog will be of helpful to you.Do post comments.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Immigrant scams

When it comes to scamming, generally people who are the most vulnerable are the ones who do not know much about the marketplace around them. This is why senior citizens and children become targets of attack. Another addition to this vulnerable victims group are the immigrants, especially the Hispanics.

Immigrant scams: Hispanics have been targets of attacks for a few years now and scammers have almost fine-tuned some of the most common scams to suit a Hispanic’s beliefs and knowledge. Below are 3 kinds of the latest immigrant scams:

This is a twisted version of the International Driving License scam.  The scammer tells new U.S. settlers that they can get a U.S. driving license for a few hundred dollars. They get the victims personal information and then, grant them a few documents and a fake license. You are made to believe that you are licensed to drive in the U.S. But, you get to know the truth only when you are caught on the road. Sometimes, they fool them with the International Driving License script too. In reality, citizens of other countries can drive in the U.S. for about 1 year if they have a valid license and an international driving permit.

If you want to understand what is scam you may go through tutorvista scam definition.
I hope this blog is helpful.Do post comments.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tips to avoid phishing scam

In this blog you will find tips on how to avoid being hooked by phishing scams offered by  U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

The tips are given in the following:
If you get an email that warns you, with little or no notice, that an account of yours will be shut down if you do not reconfirm your billing information, do not reply or click on the link in the email.Contact the company mentioned in the email using a telephone number or Web site address you know to be genuine.

Avoid sending personal e-mail and financial information. Before you submit financial information through a Web site, look for the "lock" icon on the browser's status bar. It shows that your information is secure during transmission.Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you receive them to check whether there are any unauthorized charges.

If your statement is late by more than a couple of days, call your credit card company or bank to confirm your billing address and account balances.Report suspicious activity to the FTC. Send the actual spam to uce@ftc.

If you believe you've been scammed, file your complaint at, and then visit the FTC's Identity Theft Web site( to learn how to minimize your risk of damage from identity theft.

For information regarding the meaning of scam see tutorvista scam definition.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Victims of US pregnancy scam

Some couple have become victims of an alleged surrogacy scam which left them out of pocket and dashed their hopes of becoming parents.

They found scammer on the internet and sent dollars.
The scammer sent back ultrasound images of their child - except the police say they were doctored images of old scans, and she was lying about the pregnancy.

People are anxious about going overseas to undertake surrogacy arrangements because in places like the US, anyone can offer themselves as a surrogate, without any checks.

Surrogacy proceedings  are heavily regulated. Medical and legal assessments are must for couples as well as counselling.Even though some people think it appears burdensome, it's a very protective system
Child, Youth and Family are also increasingly concerned about surrogacy arrangements carried out overseas, because some of the babies may not be eligible for citizenship here.

For information on scam you can see tutorvista scam definition.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Meaning of scam

In this blog we will discuss the meaning of scam.
The term scam means  an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as the mark) usually with the goal of financial or other gain. The confidence trickster, con man, scam artist or con artist usually works with an accomplice, who tries to encourage the mark by pretending to believe the trickster.

If you want to know the meaning of scam clearly, you may check tutorvista scam definition

Example of scam:
An example of a scam is the "free book offer", in which the victim is asked to only pay shipping and handling only to find out that other more expensive items were also purchased on trial, and these will be billed to the victim's account if they are not returned under certain conditions (within 30 days, in unopened condition, etc.).It is a scam since the intent was disguised, hidden, or obfuscated from the victim in some manner (small print, hard to get to web page, etc.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


An acid  is a substance which reacts with a base.Acids are identified as tasting sour, reacting with metals such as calcium, and bases like sodium carbonate. Aqueous acids have pHs less than 7, and turn blue litmus paper red.

See the link naming acids to know how to name acids.

Some of the properties of acids are given below:
1)It taste sour
2)change the color of litmus paper from blue to red.
3)reacts with certain metals to form gaseous H2
4)reacts with bases to form a salt and water.

Common acids used in household include vinegar, lemon juice and automobile battery acid. In weaker forms they add a sour taste to our food; in their stronger forms they are corrosive agents which can burn skin, and be used to etch or dissolve metal and even glass.

Examples of acids found in the laboratory or the work place include:Hydrochloric Acid: Also known as Muriatic Acid, this is a highly corrosive acid and is often used to clean calcium carbonate build up from the inside of kettles or from around water faucets and from shower heads;

Sulphuric Acid: This is a common acid in both the laboratory and industry. It is highly corrosive and economical to manufacture, which makes it the reagent of choice for many applications.

Phosphoric Acid: This acid removes rust and rust stains from metal tools and from car bodies undergoing repairs.

Nitric Acid: This is another acid used in laboratory as a reagent in many chemical tests and experiments due to the fact that almost all of its products (salts) are soluble in water.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sound energy

Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through solid,liquid or gas, composed of frequency within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong  to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations. transmitted through a

Sound energy is the energy produced by sound vibrations as they travel through a specific medium. Sound vibrations produce waves of pressure which lead to some level of compression and rarefaction in the mediums through which the sound waves travel.It is not related to any chemical change, but is purely related to the pressure its vibrations cause. 

You can also read tutorvista review for comments and suggestions.

How to convert sound energy into electrical energy?

Acoustic electric transducer such as a microphone or hydrophone,  converts sound energy into electrical energy. Acoustic feedback has usually undesirable effect that occurs when sound waves from a loudspeaker reach a microphone in the same system.Acoustic radiator can cause an amplifier to oscillate, with a resultant rumbling, howling, or whistling. Acoustic filter is a sound-absorbing or transmitting arrangement, or combination of the two, that transmits sound waves of desired frequency while attenuating or eliminating others. Acoustic frequency response is the sound frequency range as a function of sound intensity.