Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Victims of US pregnancy scam

Some couple have become victims of an alleged surrogacy scam which left them out of pocket and dashed their hopes of becoming parents.

They found scammer on the internet and sent dollars.
The scammer sent back ultrasound images of their child - except the police say they were doctored images of old scans, and she was lying about the pregnancy.

People are anxious about going overseas to undertake surrogacy arrangements because in places like the US, anyone can offer themselves as a surrogate, without any checks.

Surrogacy proceedings  are heavily regulated. Medical and legal assessments are must for couples as well as counselling.Even though some people think it appears burdensome, it's a very protective system
Child, Youth and Family are also increasingly concerned about surrogacy arrangements carried out overseas, because some of the babies may not be eligible for citizenship here.

For information on scam you can see tutorvista scam definition.


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