Thursday, October 28, 2010

Types of Colloids

We can define colloids as a heterogeneous mixture in which the dispersed phase is suspended in the continuous phase.Colloids are usually quite stable and don’t come apart or settle out over time.

Lets discuss about the types of colloids in this post.

there are 2 main classification:
1.Lyophilic Colloids, e.g proteins ,starch and rubber these are much stable and are also called as reversible colloids. these substances have strong interactions with the dispersion medium.

2.Lyophobic colloids, e.g.arsenic sulphide,ferric hydroxide these are much less stable and are called as irreversible colloids these are sparingly soluble and dont pass into colloidal state readily.

 We have different colloidal solutions, we will learn more about this in our future posts.

How to study hard

In this post we will find tips on " how to study hard" . Let me give you some easy steps to follow.

Step 1: Always try to understand the basics of a topic, or understand the theory involved before you step into solving problems.
Step 2: Always maintain a work sheet and a study material, which will help you keep a track of where you stand or till where you have covered.
Step 3: Maintain a  review sheet, where you need to update the topics covered and the main points which you need to remember.
Step 4: Once you complete one topic, think for 10 minutes , what exactly you have learnt , and summarize it.This will improve your memory. In 10 minutes, you need to jot down all the points which you have understood about the topic, and while doing this please close your books.
Step 5: Solve more examples problems. Regular tests and regular review on the topic will keep you updated.

This is a perfect way to complete to preparation for tests and also for a long term understanding.I hope you would follow these steps to improve your grades.

Scientific name of Animals

In this post , we will learn about scientific name of animals and their significance.

Every species living or non living, is given a scientific name. Scientists have given these scientific names just to study these species systematically and avoid any types of confusion. Scientific names are the combination of two terms, the genus names and the species name.The process of these assigning scientific names to animals and plants are called ‘taxonomy.’ This process is developed by a Swedish scientist ‘Carolus Linnaeus’.

Lets take some good examples  for these scientific names. 

Cobra                    Elapidae naja
Cougar                  Fenis concolour
Crocodile              Crocodilia niloticus

Dog                      Cannis familiaris
Dolphin                Delphinidae delphis
Elephant               Proboscidea elephantidae

Frog                     Anura ranidae
Giraffe                 Giraffa camalopardalis
Giant Panda         Ailuropoda melanoleu

In future posts, we will learn about scientific names of trees , with more examples.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Superposition of Waves

The principle of superposition of waves can be applied to waves whenever two (or more) waves travelling through the same medium at the same time.

The waves pass through each other without being disturbed. The net displacement of the medium at any point in space or time, is simply the sum of the individual wave displacements. This is true of waves which are finite in length (wave pulses) or which are continuous sine waves.

  • Superposition of two waves which have the  same frequency traveling in the same direction, will give rise to a sustained interference pattern.
  • Superposition of two waves which have slightly different frequencies traveling in the same direction, will give rise to the phenomenon of beats.
  • Superposition of two waves of same frequency and same amplitude moving in opposite directions, giving rise to the formation of standing waves or stationary waves.
I hope this was useful. Please send in your comments and suggestions.We will learn more about wave properties in our future posts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Natural resources

Natural resources are resources which occur naturally on the Earth.There are two major types of resources - biotic and abiotic recources.

Biotic are living resources such as animals and plants whereas abiotic are non-living things such as water, air and petrol.

Here are 6 types of natural resources:
1)Forest resources
2)Wildlife resources
3)Agricultural resources
4)Soil and water resources
5)Marine and fresh water resources.
6)Range-land resources

Natural resources are again classified as renewable and non-renewable resources.
Agricultural resources are renewable and petroleum is an example of non-renewable resources.

Circulatory system disorder

The circulatory system is an organ system that passes nutrients, gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases.It also help in stabilizing body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis.

Circulatory system comprises of the blood, heart and the blood vessels.There are two types of circulatory system diseases - Congenital and Acquired.

Some of the diseases are Angina, Peripheral vascular disease,Arrhythmia, etc.

Disorder of the circulatory system results from diminishing flow of blood and diminishing oxygen exchange to the tissues.Various symptoms are associated with the disorder of the circulatory system.

Chemical reaction

A reaction is a chemical change which forms new substances.
Example of a reaction is as follows: H2 + 1/2 O2 gives H2O i.e, water.

Reversible reaction: In a reversible reaction, the products of the reaction can be converted back to its reactants.
An example is given below:
2NaCl + CaCO3 gives Na2CO3 + CaCl2

Equilibrium reaction:It is a state of balance in which two opposing reversible chemical reactions proceed at constant equal rates with no net change in the system.

You can get help on equilibrium reaction with examples of different reactions online help websites.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Properties of Chlorine

Chlorine is a chemical element with an atomic number 17 and is in halogens group which are highly reactive..Its symbol is Cl.It is used for producing safe water all over the World.

Let's see some properties of Chlorine.

Chorine physical properties:It is a greenish yellow gas which directly combine with almost all elements.It is a respiratory irritant.It is not found free in nature.It is found as NaCl in solid or sea water.

Chlorine is used extensively in organic in substitution and addition reaction.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Natural Resources

Natural resources can be broadly classified as renewable or non renewable resources.

1) Renewable Resources
2) Non Renewable Resources.

Water, air, trees, metal ores, land, oil, wildlife, etc. are all examples of natural resources. Water and trees are renewable resources, meaning that we can always replenish our water supply. Oil, metal are non renewable resources which cannot be reproduced , grown or generated.Please look into my future posts for more online science help.I hope this one for useful.

Blood Groups

Blood can be defined as specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body's cells. We have the blood groups explained below.

As we all know the ABO method is the system that is used to determine a person's blood type

A Group: A person who has antigens A
B Group: A person who has antigens covering the blood cells.
O Group: A person who has none of the antigens will belong to O blood group.
AB Group: A person with both the antigens will belong to the AB blood group.

So, we now know how the blood groups are made using the ABO method .  In future blogs , I will try to explain the groups individually , with more details.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Four states of Matter

There are four states of matter. So, in this post we will learn about the states of matter.

When I, was in school i would say there are three states of matter solids, liquids and gases.Because plasma is a state which was known later.

Solids: Solids is one of the four states of matter, unlike liquid and gases, solids have a definite shape. The atoms or molecules in a solid are tied up more tightly. The atoms or molecules in a solid have fixed positions.

Liquids: Liquids don’t have a fixed shape, like a solid . The basic quality of a liquid is they can flow, the atoms and molecules are not tied up , and when a liquid boils or evaporates , it becomes gas.

Gas: Gas has the lowest density than a solid or liquid. A Quantity of gas doesn’t have a specific shape.

Plasma: When electrons are not trapped in orbits around the nucleus we call it a plasma state.

I hope this helped.

Digestive System

Food is our fuel, and its nutrients give our bodies' cells the energy and substances they need to operate.Digestion is a very important process discussed in biology. We will learn about digestive system of human body and the process in this post.

Every living beings usually has tube-type digestive system in which food enters the mouth, passes through a long tube, and exits as feces (poop) through the anus which is just like a . The smooth muscle in the walls of the tube-shaped digestive organs rhythmically and efficiently moves the food through the system, where it is broken down into tiny absorbable atoms and molecules. Find below the diagram of digestive system, which explains the entire process.


During the process of absorption, nutrients that come from the food (including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals) pass through channels in the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. The blood works to distribute these nutrients to the rest of the body. The waste parts of food that the body can't use are passed out of the body as feces.

I hope this post has helped students looking out for diagram of digestive system and the process of digestion.


Globalization, how do we define globilzation, It can be named as the process of increasing the connectivity and also the interdependence of the world's markets and businesses. 

We have seen the effects of globalization in the last few years. Developed countries have helped the developing countries grow ,and we see lot of changes after globalization.

We have seen that globalization has been a boon for all growing nations, to explore world, get a better market for all the products and also a great opportunity to prove themselves.But, there are many advantages and disadvantages of globalization , which varies from person to person..

I personally feel that globalization has helped the entire world .

Different Diseases

Hi again!!!

I wish to write about the different diseases, causes for these disease and precautions which we can take to prevent them.

We can broadly classify Diseases as
Infectious diseases

1. Parasital
2. Bacterial
3. Viral
4. Fungal
Others can be either environmental,food, water and air.

Parasital Diseases: Protozoa are microscopic, one-celled organisms which are carried to humans primarily through contaminated food or insects bites.Malaria is the most destructive parasitic disease.

Bacterial Diseases: Bacteria are single-celled creatures with tiny flagella. Bacteria are alive. They are very small organisms, often only a single cell. Diseases caused by bacteria are Tuberculosis, Bubonic Plague,Pertussis.

Viral Diseases: These are disease spread by virus, most common and dangerous diseases are spread by viruses.AIDS/HIV, Bronchiolitis,Chicken Pox are some conman viral diseases.

Fungal Diseases: Fungal diseases are called mycoses and those affecting humans can be divided into four groups based on the level of penetration into the body tissues. 

I hope this was useful, will write more on this topic in my future posts.